hacker tools meaning in Chinese
- This tool is aim to test the technology of evading ids by utilizing the weaken of network layer and the transmission layer . and then we test the snort by using the tester and the hacker tool , from the result we find a critical problem faced by a network intrusion detection system ( nids ) is that of ambiguity is the main reason that producing the make false positive and false negative
通过该工具与第三方黑客软件? fragroute相结合,对入侵检测系统软件- - snort进行测试,从结果的分析中得知网络入侵检测体系所面临的语义模糊性问题是造成漏报率和误报率很高的一个主要原因,入侵者就可能利用这一漏洞逃过nids的检测或者引起检测系统的误警。